Cosmetic Dentistry for Men – Boston, MA

Complete Confidence with Every Smile

Man with glasses smiling after cosmetic dentistry for men in Boston

Many men face dental and medical issues that can impact their smile over time. Whether it's trauma from contact sports, wear from bruxism (tooth grinding), or enamel erosion from acid reflux, several conditions can diminish both the health and appearance of your teeth.

At Dental Health and Wellness Boston, we offer advanced cosmetic dentistry solutions to enhance your smile. Whether it be repairing broken teeth with custom bonding or crowns, correcting enamel erosion with veneers, or realigning misaligned teeth with discreet Invisalign, enhancing your smile not only revitalizes your appearance but also boosts your professional presence, social interactions, and overall confidence, leaving a lasting impression in every aspect of your life.

Why Choose Dental Health & Wellness Boston for Cosmetic Dentistry for Men?

  • Specially Designed Solutions for Men
  • 25+ Years of Experience Serving Downtown Boston
  • Fast, Convenient, & Lasting Treatments

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Men

Older man walking down street and smiling

The appearance of a man’s smile can affect just about every aspect of their life, both personally and professionally, so it’s important for a dentist to understand the nuances that differentiate a man’s teeth from a woman’s. By keeping certain proportions in mind, we can not only enhance a man’s smile, but also highlight other aspects of their face to create a better overall result. Each of the treatments below can work within this paradigm, meaning we make it easy for a patient to choose one that is perfect for them.

As a man with a high-power career that keeps him in the public eye, Tom B. felt he could benefit professionally from cosmetic dental services and had his smile transformed.


Man with glasses smiling and touching face

Veneers are ideal for repairing chipped teeth, correcting crooked teeth, enlarging naturally small teeth, or covering stains. By covering the existing tooth with a thin porcelain veneer, the tooth can be altered in color and shape that can dramatically improve your appearance!

Learn About Veneers

“I love my teeth now, I feel more like myself than I ever did with the large spaces between my teeth. I can’t believe how much everyone notices and comments about my smile. You are awesome, Dr. Smith!" ~Shane

Cosmetic Bonding

Man with glasses and sweater smiling

Cosmetic bonding is an ideal, custom-made option to conceal severe stains, chips, overlapping, and uneven teeth. Because cosmetic bonding is applied directly to the tooth, it offers additional support for the tooth and can expand naturally just like your teeth, meaning it is less likely to cause cracks in the existing tooth. Plus, our custom-made bonding options are perfectly matched to your natural tooth color!

Learn About Cosmetic Bonding

“In one visit, Dr. Smith used cosmetic bonding to repair my front teeth to look as good as new, dramatically better than any previous work I had done!" ~ D.


Bearded man standing outside smiling

Crowns are synthetic caps placed on the top of an entire tooth to restore its function and appearance following a restorative procedure such as a root canal. They can also serve an aesthetic purpose by restoring stained teeth to their natural appearance.

Learn About Crowns

“I had been unsatisfied with the bonding of my front tooth for years due to discoloration, roughness and its unnatural look. Dr. Smith provided a permanent solution that has the added benefit of outstanding aesthetics. The size, color and texture of my new crown looks completely natural and changed my whole smile. It was the best decision I ever could have made." ~Peter

Teeth Whitening

Close up of teeth before and after whitening

Studies have shown that people with white smiles are perceived as more successful, more intelligent, and happier in their careers. With professional whitening, men can achieve a brighter smile in a quick and easy procedure that only takes one to two hours and offers immediate and lasting results.

Learn About Teeth Whitening