Who Our Dental Practice Helps – Boston, MA

We Consider Patients as a Whole

From the moment you enter our welcoming office, you’ll understand that teeth are just one piece of the dental health equation. Whether you need dental hygiene and prevention or more complex dental rehabilitation, we will design a personalized plan to foster optimum dental health. Below, you can read about some of our specific services and patients we cater to, including those looking to make cosmetic changes, fearful patients, and patients who have medical or health conditions that could impact their smiles.

People Wanting to Improve Their Appearance

Man and woman smiling at each other

When it comes to looking your best, cosmetic dentistry should be a top consideration. Dental Health and Wellness Boston is committed to giving you the results you want and the confidence you deserve. Using the shape of your face and the personality of your smile, Dr. Smith and Dr. Budd will help you discover how natural-looking appearance enhancement can change your life.

Cosmetic Dentistry Anti-Aging Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry for Men

Anxious & Fearful Patients

Worried woman at dental office covering her mouth

It’s not uncommon for patients to suffer from anxiety or fear surrounding visiting their dentist. In fact, it’s what keeps countless people from scheduling important dental treatments and routine checkups and cleanings that keep their oral health on the right track. Our team wants you to be able to maintain a healthy smile without compromising your mental wellbeing, which is why we offer oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation for those who suffer from dental phobia.

Sedation Dentistry

Patients With Current/ Past Eating Disorders

Female dental patient being treated by female dentist

Did you know that eating disorders can impact your oral health? Some dentists don’t consider this aspect of their patient’s lives, but the reality is that an estimated 9 percent of Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. That’s why it’s so important to create an open and nonjudgmental line of communication with patients, so we can help them tackle any associated oral health problems that may arise due to current or past eating disorders.

Dentistry for Eating Disorders

Medically Compromised Patients

Close up of female dental patient smiling

As with eating disorders, patients who are undergoing certain medical treatments or have autoimmune diseases like diabetes or Celiac can benefit greatly from receiving informed, whole-body oral healthcare. Dr. Smith and Dr. Budd are highly knowledgeable when it comes to how certain medical issues can increase a patient’s risk of developing gum disease, tooth infections, and other oral problems. Below, you can learn more about how we provide unique treatment plans and preventive solutions to patients with heart disease, acid reflux, diabetes, and other underlying conditions.

Dental Care for Cardiac Health Dental Care for Acid Reflux Dentistry for Diabetics Pregnancy & Dental Care