Periodontist – Boston, MA

Get to Know Dr. Meghrik Assadourian

We are pleased to offer to our patients specialized dental treatments all under one roof at our Boston practice. Dr. Assadourian is originally from Los Angeles California and attended UCLA for her undergraduate studies. She then moved to San Francisco to obtain her dental degree from University of California San Francisco. After obtaining her dental degree, she completed a one year rigorous general practice residency training at University of Las Vegas in Nevada with focus on moderate IV sedation and surgical procedures. After working as a general dentist in private practice in Las Vegas for two years, Dr. Assadourian decided to further her education by attending Boston University and obtained her CAGS degree in periodontology and implant dentistry.

Boston Periodontist Dr Meghrik Assadourian
Close up of Dr Meghrik Assadourian smiling

What Services
Do You Perform?

As a periodontist, I have received specialized training in the treatment of gum diseases such as recession called periodontitis. I also have been specialized training on removal of teeth and placement of implants. Periodontists help you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible for your lifetime.

Gum Grafting: When the gingiva or gums around your teeth start to recede (gum recession) , a procedure called grafting is done. We transplant or add tissue to weakened area of gum tissue to reinforce or in some cases regrow the tissue. Receding gums can cause sensitivity in your mouth to cold and sweets and the roots of the teeth that are exposed can lead to root decay if left exposed.

Gingival flap surgery/Pocket reduction surgery/Osseous surgery: These surgical procedures treat gum disease and periodontal disease that left untreated may cause you to not keep your teeth for your lifetime. These surgeries allow the dentist to treats problems under your gum line effecting your gum and jaw bone around your teeth and will require stitches to be placed. By reshaping the gum and bone round the teeth the pockets that house bacteria are corrected to a healthy state.

Bone Graft: A bone grafting procedure rebuilds the jaw bone or fills in the socket or hole left behind when a tooth is extracted. Bone grafting is often used after a tooth is extracted or when advanced gum disease has disintegrated the bone around your teeth. The new bone helps to regrow or fortify your jaw bone and can take several months to heal. once completed, a dental implant may be placed.

Tooth removal or extraction: At times when a tooth is no longer savable and should no longer be left in a person's mouth, a tooth extraction or removal is needed. Teeth can require removal due to excessive decay, gun disease, trauma or fracture. Periodontists are trained to remove teeth including difficult to remove teeth, and then do so in a way that preserves the most bone and prepares the area for a dental implant in the future.

Cosmetic procedures and smile lifts: Periodontal surgery is sometimes done to improve a persons smile. Evening out the gums tissue height around the teeth or removing extra tissue to treat a gummy smile are all specialized procedure done in our office to make your smile look it's best.

Outside of the Dental Office,
What Do You Like to Do?

In her free time, she loves to cook, play with her dog, attend hot yoga classes, and try new restaurants in town. Apart from providing supreme oral health care for her patients, Dr. Assadourian’s other passion in life is to travel the world with her husband and experience new cuisines.