Dental Post-Operative Instructions – Boston, MA

Instructions for Speedy Recoveries

At your initial consultation for your treatment, our team will go into greater detail about post-op recovery instructions. However, to give you an idea of what you can expect after your procedure, we went ahead and included some basic instructions below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team in Boston.

Composite Fillings

  • Do not eat or chew anything until the numbness has completely worn off. It is very easy to injure your lip or tongue while you are numb.
  • It is normal to experience some hot, cold or pressure sensitivity after your composite is finished.
  • The injection site may also be sore. Tylenol, Ibuprofen or aspirin will work well to alleviate the tenderness.
  • It is important that your bite is correctly balanced. If you feel that your bite is not correctly balanced, please call the office to request an appointment at no charge for a simple adjustment. If flossing is difficult, please call for a minor adjustment.

Although some symptoms are normal after a filling, some are not. It is always possible that a tooth with deep decay can require a root canal after a deep composite filling is placed. If symptoms worsen, please call.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220

Partials and Dentures

Dentures and partials require regular care and good oral hygiene.

  • Rinse your appliance under running water, to remove any food particles after every meal.
  • Use an approved denture cleaner every day, and be sure to rinse your appliance after soaking it in the cleaning solution.
  • Keep your appliance in the case, in water, when it is not being worn, to keep it hydrated.

Handling a denture requires care. It’s a good idea to stand over a folded towel, or a sink filled with water, in case you accidentally drop the denture. Your new appliance might need some adjustment after you have worn it for 24 hours. This is normal, and can be done in a small amount of time at the office, at no charge. Do not attempt to adjust your denture yourself! Please call the office so we can adjust it for you as soon as possible.

For the first few weeks, your new denture may feel awkward or bulky. However, you will soon become accustomed to wearing it. Inserting and removing the denture will require some practice. We recommend that you take your denture out at night when you sleep. Replacing your missing teeth should make eating a more pleasant experience. Start out by eating soft foods that are cut into small pieces. Remember to brush your natural teeth and gums regularly as directed by Dental Health and Wellness Boston.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220

Tooth Extractions

  • After a tooth extraction, it is important to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. This is why we ask you to bite, with gentle pressure, on the gauze pad on the extraction site for 45 minutes after your appointment.
  • If the bleeding continues, new gauze, slightly dampened with water, should be held in place for another 30 minutes. If this fails to stop the bleeding, a cool moistened teabag can be placed for another 30 minutes.
  • PLEASE refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol for 24 hours after your extraction. This is very important to promote healing.
  • Apply ice (or an unopened bag of frozen peas or frozen corn) for the first 24 hours (30 minutes on, then 30 minutes off) to help reduce any swelling and relieve discomfort.
  • Keep your head elevated when relaxing, to reduce the chance of swelling. Limit vigorous exercise for 24 hours.
  • Take care that you do not bite on the numb side of your lip or tongue. Do not attempt to eat until all numbness is gone.
  • After 24 hours begin rinsing with plain, room temperature water, after meals. You may resume normal brushing the next day, avoiding the extraction site.
  • Do not suck on a straw, and avoid hard, crunchy foods like nuts and chips for 72 hours.
  • If pain medication or antibiotics have been prescribed, take the medication according to directions.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220

In case of extreme emergency or bleeding please proceed to your nearest emergency room.

Teeth Whitening

We hope you enjoy your new brighter smile! Your teeth will continue to lighten for the next 24 hours.

  • For the next 24-48 hours, please avoid food or liquids that may stain your teeth, such as colored fruit juice, coffee, tea, mustard and ketchup.
  • It is normal for your teeth to be a little bit sensitive for the next 24-48 hours. Sensodyne® or MI Paste™ may help relieve this temporary discomfort.
  • Your “take home kit” includes your models, your custom trays and your home whitening syringes. Please wait one week after your treatment to begin using your home whitening maintenance system.
  • Please keep your models in a safe place. In the event that you lose or tear your custom trays, we can remake your trays using the models without taking new impressions. YOUR TRAYS MUST BE KEPT SEPARATELY FROM YOUR MODELS. Always keep your trays in the box provided in your kit.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220

Root Canals

The healing process may take a few days and any minor discomfort will subside gradually. You may experience moderate sensitivity to pressure. Your gums near the treated tooth may feel sore for a few days after treatment.

  • Take any medications that we have prescribed for you according to instructions.
  • Please wait till the numbness is gone before attempting to eat or chew anything.
  • Continue brushing and flossing.
  • A temporary filling has been placed on your tooth.
  • Please do not bite down on the tooth for at least one hour.
  • The temporary filling must be replaced within 2-6 weeks.

Please follow up with the placement of your permanent restoration as you have been instructed. An extended delay placing the final restoration may cause permanent damage to your tooth.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220

Short-Term Orthodontics

Dr. Smith feels that your oral hygiene is a top priority during your orthodontic treatment.

  • A rotary brush is better at cleaning around your braces than a manual one and we suggest using one at least once per day.
  • You should floss daily with floss threaders.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly after you brush, and also rinse your toothbrush.
  • Once per day, apply MI Paste Plus™ to protect and remineralize your teeth.
  • Dr. Smith recommends using a water oral hygiene device that helps remove food particles.

The brackets and wires on your teeth make it harder for you to clean them. Trapped food particles and plaque are a breeding ground for cavity causing bacteria. If gum disease develops, it causes swelling of the gums, which makes proper cleaning even more difficult. It is very important to get the food particles out of your mouth after each meal, because they can stain tooth enamel.

While wearing your braces, be sure to schedule regular cleanings every 3-6 months to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Foods to avoid while in braces:

Becoming familiar with your braces usually means making a few adjustments in your eating habits. Some foods damage your braces or cause problems for your teeth. The following list of foods should either be avoided OR you must prepare these foods differently than you have in the past and use caution while eating them.

  • Apples — don’t bite into a whole apple, cut the apple into small pieces
  • Bubble Gum —you may be able to chew sugarless gum only
  • Candy — no caramel, taffy, gummy bears etc.
  • Carrots — thinly slice carrots
  • Corn on the Cob — remove kernels from the cob
  • Sticky Foods — can bend wires or pull brackets off
  • Sugary Foods — If you must indulge, brush your teeth ASAP or rinse your mouth with water.
  • NO corn on the cob, ice, popcorn, bagels, pizza crust and crusty breads.

During treatment, if a bracket or wire becomes loose, please call the office as soon as possible so it can be cemented or replaced.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

Office phone: 617-742-1220